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When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded - Stephen Wright

>> 11 July 2008

When I paint or try to be otherwise creative, I try to get the right, creative side of my brain going (see drawing with the right side of the brain website and other information). It is, however, not always easy to switch off the verbal, analytical left brain.

My inner eye tries to see the final painting as a whole and I try to mix and match colors, structures simultaneously. My left brain needs to kick in from time to time to critically look at the painting and tell me if something needs to be changed. But if the left brain is crowded with stuff, it is hard to switch it off.

I regularly check out Christine Kane's blog and first heard about The Artist's Way (book, website)on her recommended reading list.

I have received the book last week and have been leafin through it. The author, Julia Cameron recommends that one write what she calls the Morning Pages. Every morning one should write 3 pages (long-hand) of whatever comes to your mind (see Julia explain this in a video interview). One should see it as decluttering your mind, like a morning shower. Apparently you become much more efficient during the day as it keeps you from being distracted. You put all your ordinary life stuff on a page and leave it there instead of carrying it with you on your conscience all day.

I have a crowded brain (left and right) and would love to be more creative and find my real creative path. That is why I bought the book. So for the last few days I have been thinking about how the hell I am going to write these 3 pages every morning... I already get up earlier than anyone in the house (i.e. 6:30 am) in order to prepare for the day and not be late for work. Does that mean I have to get up even earlier? Oh my...

On the other hand, the fact of decluttering my crowded brain appeals to me highly :-) And I like the promise of the morning pages being the first step to increasing your creative being.

I wonder: does Christine write her morning pages every day?

So I will continue this quest and keep you informed.

P.S.: I just found out about Wordle and wordled this post. I quite like the result

(c) Mindful Mimi -July 2008
Thanks to
Weekend Wordsmith for triggering this post about Crowded.

Drawing is made by Wardomatic.


Anonymous,  11 July 2008 at 22:46  

it's really a matter of priorities, isn't it? i read a great book on writing that said you should write 1000 words every day for the rest of your life. (that's about 3 pages longhand or 2 pages typed, i think) i was fine with that for a few weeks and then Life Hit Hard and it got waylaid. i haven't been back into that groove yet.

the thing to remember about christine's blog is that it's one of the many pieces in her overall marketing strategy. not to be crass or overly commercial about it, (after all, i've been a big fan of hers for years) but i think this is how she's able to devote all of the time she does to writing her blog. it's not just 'something she likes to do' but it's another way of reaching her audience. as an independent artist, she needs to find new ways to not just reach but also engage her audience.

through her blog she's able to do just that. the blog begets a regular audience, that can beget cd sales, that can beget workshop attendance, that can beget new workshop opportunities, that can beget...

for christine her blog is an extension of her chosen way of life.

is it the same for you?

(and before you ask, no, it's fairly obviously not for me) :)


Anonymous,  12 July 2008 at 03:57  

that's an awesome drawing you have there. i couldn't do that with my right or left brain. nice work!!

Anonymous,  12 July 2008 at 15:09  

Found you thru a C. Kane link and loved the post title so had to come see. I discovered Julia Cameron in the 90s when she was still in hardback and started doing daily pages regularly for years and then not and then again. As with everything else to do with creativity (including running your own business) you make choices. We can't do it all all the time. Absolutely impossible. But I've found I get into a rhythm of knowing when it's appropriate to start doing those pages for a while again - if only to clean things out of the attic for a week or so. It's a tool. Use it the way it works for *you.*

Gemma Wiseman 13 July 2008 at 06:22  

Love the tossing and turning of your thoughts! And that drawing is really fantastic!

Crafty Green Poet 13 July 2008 at 13:41  

excellent post, my mind gets pretty full sometimes too, I find that writing at least one haiku a day is really helpful, it helps me focus, it makes me more aware of the things I see around me and its good writing practice too.

LA Nickers 13 July 2008 at 14:53  

Insightful post!

Here's mine:



PS: If you want to know how to create active links for blog comments, I posted instructions on two of my blogs: SIMPLY SNICKERS (weekly poetry prompts) and MEME EXPRESS (daily memes). The instructions are easy to follow, and the active links will make it simpler for folks to visit your blog. ;-)

Mindful Mimi 14 July 2008 at 09:23  

Fivecats: thanks for your comment. Of course Christine's blog is an extension to her professional/money-earning life. I was just wondering whether she writes morning pages before she gets down to blog and song writing, organising retreats etc. My site is obviously not for commercial purposes either :-)

Natural: I just wanted to make clear that the picture of my post is not a drawing/painting I made. I took it from this website (http://wardomatic.blogspot.com/2005/03/illustration-friday-crowded.html) and should have mentioned that - bad bad me...

Tammy: thanks - I am still searching what works for me...

Greyscale: again the drawing is not mine but it is a great one I admit.

Green Poet: thank you - Haikus don't seem to be my thing. But I have always loved writing and know I have to find my daily dosis. A blog is one (not daily one) and maybe I can have evening pages instead... as mornings are just too busy as they are.

Linda, Thanks so much for the tip. I will check it out immediately. I'm still a greenie when it comes to blog-smartness :-)

Anonymous,  16 July 2008 at 04:26  

Lets exchange links@ I love that book you mentioned. It made me very envious of those left handed naturally creative folks-_-*

Anonymous,  17 July 2008 at 02:08  

that is an awesome post... very thought provoking... crowded mind... yes, writing does empty the crowded mind... i dont' know if i could be so disciplined... in fact i know i couldnt... but i really, really like the idea.. loved the wordie thingee... both drawing and word thingee reflect so well your thoughts

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