If I move, will you follow?
>> 23 March 2011
I just wanted to remind you that this blog has moved.
So please join me over HERE
and subscribe to the new RSS feed
or follow me via Networkedblogs.
Mindful Mimi's blog has moved!
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Please visit: http://createandconnect.org/index.php/en/blog
I just wanted to remind you that this blog has moved.
So please join me over HERE
and subscribe to the new RSS feed
or follow me via Networkedblogs.
Dear creative readers,
Time has come to take you on a journey.
The 'simply blogging for fun' era has come to an end.
I am now taking things seriously :-)
I have moved to a new blog and new website which I let you discover.
When I spend an afternoon with my children (3 and almost 5) I am always and again amazed at their ability to play.
EVERYTHING is play. Everything they do is for entertainment and learning only.
Some examples of just one afternoon:
I was listening to an audio book where an American student was describing his Guatemalan roommate as exotic.
Sun on your skin, beaches, mosquitoes, colorful clothing, palm trees and lush green and blue scenery, sing song language.
Exotic, yes. But normal, every day life when you're Guatemalan.
It's the same with creativity.
The things you do in your normal way may look exotic to someone else.
And have you really looked at the normal, routine life you're leading? Is it really that mundane?
There are so many normal ways of being creative that we tend to forget about them.
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